Deciduous trees and shrubsThe production range of deciduous trees and shrubs includes a few dozens of various species of seedlings, of various sizes.
The offer of deciduous trees includes around ten species of maple, a few seedlings of hawthorn, ash, chestnut, pagoda tree and willow. We also produce seedlings of American (Oriental) sweetgum, mulberry, elm, black alder, black walnut, Kentucky Coffeetree, ginkgo biloba, hornbeam, English oak, Lombardy poplar, purple-leaf cherry plum, Kobushi magnolia, Japanese cherry, rowan, Judas tree, kaki persimmon (Japanese persimmon), Caucasian wingnut, goldenrain tree, staghorn sumac, nettle tree, umbrella black locust, Turkish hazel, golden chain tree, planes, poplars, honey locust (gleditsia), tulip tree, silver birch and harlequin glorybower. The offer also includes ornamental shrubs, deciduous and coniferous, of different sizes and species, such as Japanese laurel, wintergreen barberry and red-leaf barberry, summer lilac, common box, bluebeard, Japanese quince, dogwood, corkscrew hazel, bearberry cotoneaster, deutzia... You can buy all species of deciduous trees and shrubs of own production at Markuševac and Jankomir plant nurseries, as well as at the Garden Centre.